Rivet analyses referenceATLAS_2014_I1307243Measurements of jet vetoes and azimuthal decorrelations in dijet events produced in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detectorExperiment: ATLAS (LHC) Inspire ID: 1307243 Status: VALIDATED Authors:
Beam energies: (3500.0, 3500.0) GeV Run details:
Additional jet activity in dijet events is measured using $pp$ collisions at ATLAS at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, for jets reconstructed using the anti-kt algorithm with radius parameter R=0.6. This is done using variables such as the fraction of dijet events without an additional jet in the rapidity interval bounded by the dijet subsystem and correlations between the azimuthal angles of the dijets. They are presented, both with and without a veto on additional jet activity in the rapidity interval, as a function of the mean transverse momentum of the dijets and of the rapidity interval size. The double differential dijet cross section is also measured as a function of the interval size and the azimuthal angle between the dijets. These variables probe differences in the approach to resummation of large logarithms when performing QCD calculations. The data are compared to POWHEG, interfaced to the PYTHIA 8 and HERWIG parton shower generators, as well as to HEJ with and without interfacing it to the ARIADNE parton shower generator. None of the theoretical predictions agree with the data across the full phase-space considered; however, POWHEG+PYTHIA 8 and HEJ+ARIADNE are found to provide the best agreement with the data. These measurements use the full data sample collected with the ATLAS detector in 7 TeV $pp$ collisions at the LHC and correspond to integrated luminosities of 36.1 pb$^-1$ and 4.5 fb$^-1$ for data collected during 2010 and 2011 respectively. Source code: ATLAS_2014_I1307243.cc 1// -*- C++ -*-
2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
3#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh"
4#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
6namespace Rivet {
9 /// @brief ATLAS azimuthal decorrelation with jet veto analysis
10 /// @author James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch>
11 class ATLAS_2014_I1307243 : public Analysis {
12 public:
14 /// Constructor
18 /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
19 void init() {
21 _dy_max = 8; _years = { 2010, 2011 };
22 _Qnoughts = { 20., 30., 40., 50., 60., 70., 80., 90., 100. };
23 /// Initialise and register projections here
24 FastJets fastJets(FinalState(), JetAlg::ANTIKT, 0.6, JetMuons::ALL, JetInvisibles::ALL);
25 declare(fastJets, "AntiKt6JetsWithInvisibles");
28 /// Book histograms
29 for (const string cat : { "inclusive", "gap" }) {
30 const size_t offset = (cat == "gap") ? 1 : 0;
32 // Temporary inclusive and gap histograms
33 book(_aux_dy[cat], "_" + cat + "_dy", refData(1, 1, 1));
34 book(_aux_pTbar[cat], "_" + cat + "_pTbar", refData(2, 1, 1));
36 book(_h_C2C1_dy[cat], 7 + 4 * offset, 1, 1);
37 book(_h_C2C1_pTbar[cat], 8 + 4 * offset, 1, 1);
39 // Azimuthal moment histograms
40 book(_p_cosDeltaPhi_dy[cat], 5 + 4 * offset, 1, 1);
41 book(_p_cosDeltaPhi_pTbar[cat], 6 + 4 * offset, 1, 1);
42 book(_p_cosTwoDeltaPhi_dy[cat], 37 + 2 * offset, 1, 1);
43 book(_p_cosTwoDeltaPhi_pTbar[cat], 38 + 2 * offset, 1, 1);
45 // Gap fraction vs. Q0 and cross-section in dy slices
46 _s_gapFrac_Q0.resize(_dy_max);
47 const vector<double> edges {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8.};
48 book(_aux_Q0_dySlices[cat], edges);
49 book(_h_dphi_dySlices[cat], edges);
50 for (size_t i=0; i < _aux_Q0_dySlices[cat]->numBins(); ++i) {
51 const string hname("_" + cat + "_dySlice_" + toString(i) + "_" + toString(i+1) + "_Q0");
52 book(_aux_Q0_dySlices[cat]->bin(i+1), hname, refData(29+i, 1, 1));
53 book(_h_dphi_dySlices[cat]->bin(i+1), 13+(_dy_max*offset)+i, 1, 1);
54 if (!offset) book(_s_gapFrac_Q0[i], 29 + i, 1, 1); // only book once
55 }
56 }
58 // Number of jets in rapidity interval
59 book(_s_gapFrac_dy, 1, 1, 1);
60 book(_s_gapFrac_pTbar, 2, 1, 1);
61 book(_p_nGapJets_dy, 3, 1, 1);
62 book(_p_nGapJets_pTbar, 4, 1, 1);
63 }
66 /// Perform the per-event analysis
67 void analyze(const Event& event) {
69 for (size_t reg = 0; reg < 2; ++reg) {
71 // Retrieve all anti-kt R=0.6 jets
72 const double maxRap = reg? 2.4 : 4.4;
73 const Jets& akt6Jets = apply<JetFinder>(event, "AntiKt6JetsWithInvisibles").jetsByPt(Cuts::absrap < maxRap);
74 // If there are fewer than 2 jets then bail
75 if ( akt6Jets.size() < 2 ) { vetoEvent; }
77 // Require jets to be above {60, 50} GeV
78 if ( akt6Jets[0].pT() < 60*GeV || akt6Jets[1].pT() < 50*GeV ) { vetoEvent; }
80 // Identify gap boundaries
81 const double yMin = std::min(akt6Jets[0].rap(), akt6Jets[1].rap());
82 const double yMax = std::max(akt6Jets[0].rap(), akt6Jets[1].rap());
84 // Determine azimuthal decorrelation quantities
85 const double dy = yMax - yMin;
86 const double dphi = mapAngle0ToPi(deltaPhi(akt6Jets[0], akt6Jets[1]));
87 const double pTbar = 0.5*(akt6Jets[0].pT() + akt6Jets[1].pT())/GeV;
89 // Impose minimum dy for the 2011 phase space
90 if ( _years[reg] == 2011 && dy < 1.0 ) { vetoEvent; }
92 // Determine gap quantities
93 size_t nGapJets = 0;
94 double maxGapQ0 = 0.;
95 const double vetoScale = reg? 30*GeV : 20*GeV;
96 for (const Jet& jet : akt6Jets) {
97 if (!inRange(jet.rap(), yMin, yMax, OPEN, OPEN)) continue;
98 const double pT = jet.pT()/GeV;
99 if (pT > vetoScale) { ++nGapJets; }
100 if (pT > maxGapQ0) { maxGapQ0 = pT; }
101 }
103 // Fill histograms
104 fillHists(_years[reg], nGapJets, { dy, pTbar, dphi, maxGapQ0 });
105 }
106 return;
107 }
109 void fillHists(const size_t region, const size_t nGapJets, const vector<double>& vars) {
110 assert(vars.size() == 4);
111 const double dy = vars[0];
112 const double pTbar = vars[1];
113 const double dphi = vars[2];
114 const double maxGapQ0 = vars[3];
115 // Determine gap category
116 vector<string> categories = {"inclusive"};
117 if (!nGapJets) { categories += string("gap"); }
119 // Fill histograms relevant for comparison with 2010 data
120 if (region == _years[0]) {
121 // Fill inclusive and gap histograms
122 for (const string& cat : categories) {
123 _aux_dy[cat]->fill(dy);
124 _h_dphi_dySlices[cat]->fill(dy, dphi/M_PI);
125 _p_cosDeltaPhi_dy[cat]->fill(dy, cos(M_PI - dphi));
126 _p_cosTwoDeltaPhi_dy[cat]->fill(dy, cos(2*dphi));
127 }
128 // Fill profiled nGapJets
129 _p_nGapJets_dy->fill(dy, nGapJets);
130 // Fill Q0 histograms - can fill multiple points per event
131 for (const double Q0 : _Qnoughts) {
132 _aux_Q0_dySlices["inclusive"]->fill(dy, Q0);
133 if (maxGapQ0 <= Q0) { _aux_Q0_dySlices["gap"]->fill(dy, Q0); }
134 }
136 // Fill histograms relevant for comparison with 2011 data
137 }
138 else if (region == _years[1]) {
139 // Fill inclusive and gap histograms
140 for (const string& cat : categories) {
141 _aux_pTbar[cat]->fill(pTbar);
142 _p_cosDeltaPhi_pTbar[cat]->fill(pTbar, cos(M_PI - dphi));
143 _p_cosTwoDeltaPhi_pTbar[cat]->fill(pTbar, cos(2*dphi));
144 }
145 // Fill profiled nGapJets
146 _p_nGapJets_pTbar->fill(pTbar, nGapJets);
147 }
148 return;
149 }
151 /// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
152 void finalize() {
153 // Normalise cross-section plots to correct cross-section
154 const double ySpan = 1.0; // all dy spans are 1
155 const double sf = crossSection() / picobarn / sumOfWeights();
156 for (const string cat : { "inclusive", "gap" }) {
157 scale(_h_dphi_dySlices[cat], sf/ySpan/M_PI);
158 // Create C2/C1 scatter from profiles
159 divide(_p_cosTwoDeltaPhi_dy[cat], _p_cosDeltaPhi_dy[cat], _h_C2C1_dy[cat]);
160 divide(_p_cosTwoDeltaPhi_pTbar[cat], _p_cosDeltaPhi_pTbar[cat], _h_C2C1_pTbar[cat]);
161 }
163 // Fill simple gap fractions
164 efficiency(_aux_dy["gap"], _aux_dy["inclusive"], _s_gapFrac_dy);
165 efficiency(_aux_pTbar["gap"], _aux_pTbar["inclusive"], _s_gapFrac_pTbar);
167 // Register and fill Q0 gap fractions
168 for (size_t dyLow = 0; dyLow < _dy_max; ++dyLow) {
169 efficiency(_aux_Q0_dySlices["gap"]->bin(dyLow+1), _aux_Q0_dySlices["inclusive"]->bin(dyLow+1), _s_gapFrac_Q0[dyLow]);
170 }
171 }
174 private:
176 /// Member variables
177 vector<size_t> _years;
178 vector<double> _Qnoughts;
180 size_t _dy_max;
182 /// auxiliary histograms for gap fractions
183 map<string, Histo1DPtr> _aux_dy;
184 map<string, Histo1DPtr> _aux_pTbar;
185 map<string, Histo1DGroupPtr> _aux_Q0_dySlices;
187 // Gap fractions
188 Estimate1DPtr _s_gapFrac_dy, _s_gapFrac_pTbar;
189 vector<Estimate1DPtr> _s_gapFrac_Q0;
191 // Number of jets in rapidity interval
192 Profile1DPtr _p_nGapJets_dy;
193 Profile1DPtr _p_nGapJets_pTbar;
195 // Azimuthal moment histograms
196 map<string, Profile1DPtr> _p_cosDeltaPhi_dy;
197 map<string, Profile1DPtr> _p_cosDeltaPhi_pTbar;
198 map<string, Profile1DPtr> _p_cosTwoDeltaPhi_dy;
199 map<string, Profile1DPtr> _p_cosTwoDeltaPhi_pTbar;
200 map<string, Estimate1DPtr> _h_C2C1_dy;
201 map<string, Estimate1DPtr> _h_C2C1_pTbar;
203 // Cross-section vs. deltaPhi in deltaY slices
204 map<string, Histo1DGroupPtr> _h_dphi_dySlices;
205 };