Rivet analyses referenceALICE_2019_I1723697Multi-particle correlations in pp, pPb, XeXe and PbPbExperiment: ALICE (LHC) Inspire ID: 1723697 Status: UNVALIDATED Authors:
Beam energies: (6500.0, 6500.0); (4000.0, 326560.0); (350880.0, 350880.0); (522392.0, 522392.0) GeV Run details:
Multiparticle correlations and flow coefficients as function of number of charged particles in pp (13 TeV), pPb (5.02 TeV), XeXe (5.44 TeV) and PbPb (5.02 TeV). Be aware that in order to apply the high multiplicity trigger in pp, a calibration run must first be performed, using the analysis ALICE_2015_CENT_PP, and the resulting file pre-loaded to Rivet. Furthermore, the analysis option beam=<beam-type> (pp,pPb,XeXe,PbPb) must be used when running the analysis, if multiple runs should be merged by rivet-merge afterwards. Source code: ALICE_2019_I1723697.cc 1// -*- C++ -*-
2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
3#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
4#include "Rivet/Tools/Correlators.hh"
5#include "Rivet/Analyses/AliceCommon.hh"
7namespace Rivet {
10 /// @brief Multiparticle azimuthal correlations pp, pPb, XeXe and PbPb.
11 class ALICE_2019_I1723697 : public CumulantAnalysis {
12 public:
14 /// Constructor
15 ALICE_2019_I1723697() :
16 CumulantAnalysis("ALICE_2019_I1723697") {}
20 /// @name Analysis methods
21 /// @{
23 /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
24 void init() {
25 // Find system type.
26 string bOpt = getOption<string>("beam","");
27 const ParticlePair& beam = beams();
28 if (beam.first.pid() == PID::PROTON && beam.second.pid() == PID::PROTON)
29 sysType = pp;
30 else if (beam.first.pid() == PID::PROTON && beam.second.pid() == PID::LEAD)
31 sysType = pPb;
32 else if (beam.first.pid() == PID::XENON && beam.second.pid() == PID::XENON)
33 sysType = XeXe;
34 else if (beam.first.pid() == PID::LEAD && beam.second.pid() == PID::LEAD)
35 sysType = PbPb;
36 else{
37 MSG_WARNING("Suspicious beam. You're probably in reentrant mode. Fetching beam type from option.");
38 if (bOpt == "pp") sysType = pp;
39 else if (bOpt == "pPb") sysType = pPb;
40 else if (bOpt == "XeXe") sysType = XeXe;
41 else if (bOpt == "PbPb") sysType = PbPb;
42 else MSG_ERROR("Could not decipher beam type. For rivet-merge, set -a ALICE_2019_I1723697:beam=OPT, where opt is pp, pPb, XeXe or PbPb.");
43 MSG_WARNING("Setting beam type to "+bOpt);
44 }
45 // Sanity check
46 if ((sysType == pp && bOpt != "pp") || (sysType == pPb && bOpt != "pPb") ||
47 (sysType == XeXe && bOpt != "XeXe") || (sysType == PbPb && bOpt != "PbPb"))
48 MSG_WARNING("Beam option and registered beam don't match. Are you sure this is intentional?");
50 // Initialise and register projections
51 // Declare the trigger projection.
52 declare<ALICE::V0AndTrigger>(ALICE::V0AndTrigger(),"V0-AND");
54 // Centrality projection for high multiplicity trigger in pp.
55 if (sysType == pp)
56 declareCentrality(ALICE::V0MMultiplicity(),
57 "ALICE_2015_CENT_PP", "V0M","V0M");
59 // The full central charged final state.
60 const ChargedFinalState& cfs = ChargedFinalState(Cuts::abseta < 0.8 &&
61 Cuts::pT > 0.2*GeV && Cuts::pT < 5.0*GeV);
62 declare(cfs, "CFS");
64 // The positive eta side used for rapidity gap = 1.4.
65 const ChargedFinalState& cfsp14 = ChargedFinalState(Cuts::eta > 0.5 &&
66 Cuts::eta < 0.8 && Cuts::pT > 0.2*GeV && Cuts::pT < 5.0*GeV);
67 declare(cfsp14, "CFSP14");
68 // ..negative ditto.
69 const ChargedFinalState& cfsn14 = ChargedFinalState(Cuts::eta < -0.5 &&
70 Cuts::eta > -0.8 && Cuts::pT > 0.2*GeV && Cuts::pT < 5.0*GeV);
71 declare(cfsn14, "CFSN14");
72 // The positive eta side used for rapidity gap = 1.0.
73 const ChargedFinalState& cfsp10 = ChargedFinalState(Cuts::eta > 0.5 &&
74 Cuts::eta < 0.8 && Cuts::pT > 0.2*GeV && Cuts::pT < 5.0*GeV);
75 declare(cfsp10, "CFSP10");
76 // ..negative ditto.
77 const ChargedFinalState& cfsn10 = ChargedFinalState(Cuts::eta < -0.5 &&
78 Cuts::eta > -0.8 && Cuts::pT > 0.2*GeV && Cuts::pT < 5.0*GeV);
79 declare(cfsn10, "CFSN10");
81 // Book flow coeff scatters before booking the correlators
82 // to have access to bin edges.
83 int n1 = 0;
84 int n2 = 0;
85 int n3 = 0;
86 if (sysType == pPb) n1 = 9, n2 = 1;
87 else if (sysType == XeXe) n1 = 19, n2 = 1, n3 = 0;
88 else if (sysType == PbPb) n1 = 30, n2 = 1, n3 = 1;
89 book(h_v22gap, 1 + n1, 1, 1, true);
90 book(h_v32gap, 2 + n1, 1, 1, true);
91 book(h_v42gap, 3 + n1, 1, 1, true);
92 if (sysType != pp) {
93 book(h_v24, 4 + n1, 1, 1, true);
94 }
95 book(h_v26, 5 + n1 + n2, 1, 1, true);
96 if (sysType == XeXe || sysType == PbPb) {
97 book(h_v28, 6 + n1 + n2 + n3, 1, 1, true);
98 }
100 // Book cumulant scatters.
101 book(h_c22gap, "c22gap", refData(1 + n1, 1, 1).mkScatter());
102 book(h_c32gap, "c32gap", refData(2 + n1, 1, 1).mkScatter());
103 book(h_c42gap, "c42gap", refData(3 + n1, 1, 1).mkScatter());
104 book(h_c24, "c24", refData(4 + n1, 1, 1).mkScatter());
105 book(h_c26, "c26", refData(5 + n1 + n2, 1, 1).mkScatter());
106 if (sysType == XeXe || sysType == PbPb)
107 book(h_c28, "c28", refData(6 + n1 + n2 + n3, 1, 1).mkScatter());
109 // Book correlators. First the ungapped ones.
110 ec22 = bookECorrelator<2,2>("ec22", refData(4 + n1, 1, 1));
111 ec24 = bookECorrelator<2,4>("ec24", refData(4 + n1, 1, 1));
113 ec622 = bookECorrelator<2,2>("ec622", refData(5 + n1 + n2, 1, 1));
114 ec624 = bookECorrelator<2,4>("ec624", refData(5 + n1 + n2, 1, 1));
115 ec626 = bookECorrelator<2,6>("ec626", refData(5 + n1 + n2, 1, 1));
117 // And the ones just valid for XeXe and PbPb.
118 if (sysType == XeXe || sysType == PbPb) {
119 ec822 = bookECorrelator<2,2>("ec822", refData(6 + n1 + n2 + n3, 1, 1));
120 ec824 = bookECorrelator<2,4>("ec824", refData(6 + n1 + n2 + n3, 1, 1));
121 ec826 = bookECorrelator<2,6>("ec826", refData(6 + n1 + n2 + n3, 1, 1));
122 ec828 = bookECorrelator<2,8>("ec828", refData(6 + n1 + n2 + n3, 1, 1));
123 }
124 // ...and the gapped ones.
125 ec22gap = bookECorrelatorGap<2,2>("ec22gap", refData(1 + n1, 1, 1));
126 ec32gap = bookECorrelatorGap<3,2>("ec32gap", refData(2 + n1, 1, 1));
127 ec42gap = bookECorrelatorGap<4,2>("ec42gap", refData(3 + n1, 1, 1));
128 // Get the max order of booked correlators for the projections.
129 pair<int, int> max = getMaxValues();
131 // Declare correlator projections.
132 declare(Correlators(cfs, max.first, max.second), "Correlators");
133 declare(Correlators(cfsp14, max.first, max.second), "CorrelatorsPos14");
134 declare(Correlators(cfsn14, max.first, max.second), "CorrelatorsNeg14");
135 declare(Correlators(cfsp10, max.first, max.second), "CorrelatorsPos10");
136 declare(Correlators(cfsn10, max.first, max.second), "CorrelatorsNeg10");
137 }
140 /// Perform the per-event analysis
141 void analyze(const Event& event) {
142 // Event trigger.
143 if (!apply<ALICE::V0AndTrigger>(event, "V0-AND")() ) vetoEvent;
145 // High multiplicity trigger for pp.
146 if (sysType == pp && apply<CentralityProjection>(event, "V0M")() > 0.1)
147 vetoEvent;
148 // Number of charged particles.
149 const double nch = apply<ChargedFinalState>(event, "CFS").size();
151 // The correlators projections.
152 const Correlators& c = apply<Correlators>(event,"Correlators");
153 const Correlators& cp10 =
154 apply<Correlators>(event,"CorrelatorsPos10");
155 const Correlators& cn10 =
156 apply<Correlators>(event,"CorrelatorsNeg10");
157 const Correlators& cp14 =
158 apply<Correlators>(event,"CorrelatorsPos14");
159 const Correlators& cn14 =
160 apply<Correlators>(event,"CorrelatorsNeg14");
162 // Fill correlators.
163 ec22->fill(nch, c);
164 ec24->fill(nch, c);
166 ec622->fill(nch, c);
167 ec624->fill(nch, c);
168 ec626->fill(nch, c);
170 if (sysType == XeXe || sysType == PbPb) {
171 ec822->fill(nch, c);
172 ec824->fill(nch, c);
173 ec826->fill(nch, c);
174 ec828->fill(nch, c);
175 }
177 // Fill gapped correlators.
178 ec22gap->fill(nch, cp14, cn14);
179 ec32gap->fill(nch, cp10, cn10);
180 ec42gap->fill(nch, cp10, cn10);
182 }
184 /// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
185 void finalize() {
186 // Stream correlators to yoda file.
187 // Fill cumulant scatters.
188 cnTwoInt(h_c22gap, ec22gap);
189 cnTwoInt(h_c32gap, ec32gap);
190 cnTwoInt(h_c42gap, ec42gap);
192 cnFourInt(h_c24, ec22, ec24);
193 cnSixInt(h_c26, ec622, ec624, ec626);
194 if (sysType == XeXe || sysType == PbPb)
195 cnEightInt(h_c28, ec822, ec824, ec826, ec828);
197 // Fill flow scatters.
198 vnTwoInt(h_v22gap, ec22gap);
199 vnTwoInt(h_v32gap, ec32gap);
200 vnTwoInt(h_v42gap, ec42gap);
202 if (sysType != pp)
203 vnFourInt(h_v24, ec22, ec24);
204 vnSixInt(h_v26, ec622, ec624, ec626);
205 if (sysType == XeXe || sysType == PbPb)
206 vnEightInt(h_v28, ec822, ec824, ec826, ec828);
207 }
209 /// @}
210 // System check enum.
211 enum SysType {pp, pPb, XeXe, PbPb};
212 SysType sysType;
214 /// @name Histograms
215 /// @{
216 // Flow coefficients.
217 Scatter2DPtr h_v22gap;
218 Scatter2DPtr h_v32gap;
219 Scatter2DPtr h_v42gap;
220 Scatter2DPtr h_v24;
221 Scatter2DPtr h_v26;
222 Scatter2DPtr h_v28;
224 // Cumulants.
225 Scatter2DPtr h_c22gap;
226 Scatter2DPtr h_c32gap;
227 Scatter2DPtr h_c42gap;
228 Scatter2DPtr h_c24;
229 Scatter2DPtr h_c26;
230 Scatter2DPtr h_c28;
232 // Correlators.
233 ECorrPtr ec22;
234 ECorrPtr ec24;
236 ECorrPtr ec622;
237 ECorrPtr ec624;
238 ECorrPtr ec626;
240 ECorrPtr ec822;
241 ECorrPtr ec824;
242 ECorrPtr ec826;
243 ECorrPtr ec828;
245 // Gapped correlators.
246 ECorrPtr ec22gap;
247 ECorrPtr ec32gap;
248 ECorrPtr ec42gap;
250 /// @}
253 };