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Rivet analyses reference


Jet rates and event shapes at LEP I and II
Experiment: ALEPH (LEP Run 1 and 2)
Inspire ID: 636645
  • Frank Siegert
References: Beams: e+ e-
Beam energies: (45.6, 45.6); (66.5, 66.5); (80.5, 80.5); (86.0, 86.0); (91.5, 91.5); (94.5, 94.5); (98.5, 98.5); (100.0, 100.0); (103.0, 103.0) GeV
Run details:
  • $e^+ e^- \to$ jet jet (+ jets). Beam energy must be specified as analysis option "ENERGY" when rivet-merging samples.

Jet rates, event-shape variables and inclusive charged particle spectra are measured in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at CMS energies between 91 and 209 GeV. The previously published data at 91.2 GeV and 133 GeV have been re-processed and the higher energy data are presented here for the first time. Note that the data have been corrected to include neutrinos. Beam energy must be specified as analysis option "ENERGY" when rivet-merging samples.

Source code: ALEPH_2004_I636645.cc
  1// -*- C++ -*-
  2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
  3#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
  4#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
  5#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
  6#include "Rivet/Projections/Thrust.hh"
  7#include "Rivet/Projections/Sphericity.hh"
  8#include "Rivet/Projections/ParisiTensor.hh"
  9#include "Rivet/Projections/Hemispheres.hh"
 10#include "Rivet/Projections/Beam.hh"
 12namespace Rivet {
 15  /// ALEPH jet rates and event shapes at LEP 1 and 2
 16  class ALEPH_2004_I636645 : public Analysis {
 17  public:
 22    void init() {
 23      _initialisedJets    = true;
 24      _initialisedSpectra = true;
 25      // TODO: According to the paper they seem to discard neutral particles
 26      //       between 1 and 2 GeV. That correction is included in the systematic
 27      //       uncertainties and overly complicated to program, so we ignore it.
 28      const FinalState fs;
 29      declare(fs, "FS");
 30      FastJets durhamjets(fs, JetAlg::DURHAM, 0.7, JetMuons::ALL, JetInvisibles::ALL);
 31      declare(durhamjets, "DurhamJets");
 33      const Thrust thrust(fs);
 34      declare(thrust, "Thrust");
 35      declare(Sphericity(fs), "Sphericity");
 36      declare(ParisiTensor(fs), "Parisi");
 37      declare(Hemispheres(thrust), "Hemispheres");
 39      const ChargedFinalState cfs;
 40      declare(Beam(), "Beams");
 41      declare(cfs, "CFS");
 43      // Histos
 44      // offset for the event shapes and jets
 45      int offset = 0;
 46      switch (int(sqrtS()/GeV + 0.5)) {
 47        case 91: offset = 0; break;
 48        case 133: offset = 1; break;
 49        case 161: offset = 2; break;
 50        case 172: offset = 3; break;
 51        case 183: offset = 4; break;
 52        case 189: offset = 5; break;
 53        case 200: offset = 6; break;
 54        case 206: offset = 7; break;
 55        default:
 56          _initialisedJets = false;
 57      }
 58      // event shapes
 59      if(_initialisedJets) {
 60        book(_h_thrust ,offset+54, 1, 1);
 61        book(_h_heavyjetmass ,offset+62, 1, 1);
 62        book(_h_totaljetbroadening ,offset+70, 1, 1);
 63        book(_h_widejetbroadening ,offset+78, 1, 1);
 64        book(_h_cparameter ,offset+86, 1, 1);
 65        book(_h_thrustmajor ,offset+94, 1, 1);
 66        book(_h_thrustminor ,offset+102, 1, 1);
 67        book(_h_jetmassdifference ,offset+110, 1, 1);
 68        book(_h_aplanarity ,offset+118, 1, 1);
 69        if ( offset != 0 )
 70          book(_h_planarity, offset+125, 1, 1);
 71        book(_h_oblateness ,offset+133, 1, 1);
 72        book(_h_sphericity ,offset+141, 1, 1);
 74        // Durham n->m jet resolutions
 75        book(_h_y_Durham[0] ,offset+149, 1, 1);   // y12 d149 ... d156
 76        book(_h_y_Durham[1] ,offset+157, 1, 1);   // y23 d157 ... d164
 77        if (offset < 6) { // there is no y34, y45 and y56 for 200 gev
 78          book(_h_y_Durham[2] ,offset+165, 1, 1); // y34 d165 ... d172, but not 171
 79          book(_h_y_Durham[3] ,offset+173, 1, 1); // y45 d173 ... d179
 80          book(_h_y_Durham[4] ,offset+180, 1, 1); // y56 d180 ... d186
 81        }
 82        else if (offset == 6) {
 83          _h_y_Durham[2] = Histo1DPtr();
 84          _h_y_Durham[3] = Histo1DPtr();
 85          _h_y_Durham[4] = Histo1DPtr();
 86        }
 87        else if (offset == 7) {
 88          book(_h_y_Durham[2] ,172, 1, 1);
 89          book(_h_y_Durham[3] ,179, 1, 1);
 90          book(_h_y_Durham[4] ,186, 1, 1);
 91        }
 93        // Durham n-jet fractions
 94        book(_h_R_Durham[0] ,offset+187, 1, 1); // R1 d187 ... d194
 95        book(_h_R_Durham[1] ,offset+195, 1, 1); // R2 d195 ... d202
 96        book(_h_R_Durham[2] ,offset+203, 1, 1); // R3 d203 ... d210
 97        book(_h_R_Durham[3] ,offset+211, 1, 1); // R4 d211 ... d218
 98        book(_h_R_Durham[4] ,offset+219, 1, 1); // R5 d219 ... d226
 99        book(_h_R_Durham[5] ,offset+227, 1, 1); // R>=6 d227 ... d234
100      }
101      // offset for the charged particle distributions
102      offset = 0;
103      switch (int(sqrtS() + 0.5)) {
104        case 133: offset = 0; break;
105        case 161: offset = 1; break;
106        case 172: offset = 2; break;
107        case 183: offset = 3; break;
108        case 189: offset = 4; break;
109        case 196: offset = 5; break;
110        case 200: offset = 6; break;
111        case 206: offset = 7; break;
112        default:
113          _initialisedSpectra = false;
114      }
115      if (_initialisedSpectra) {
116        book(_h_xp , 2+offset, 1, 1);
117        book(_h_xi ,11+offset, 1, 1);
118        book(_h_xe ,19+offset, 1, 1);
119        book(_h_pTin  ,27+offset, 1, 1);
120        if (offset == 7)
121          book(_h_pTout, 35, 1, 1);
122        book(_h_rapidityT ,36+offset, 1, 1);
123        book(_h_rapidityS ,44+offset, 1, 1);
124      }
125      book(_weightedTotalChargedPartNum, "_weightedTotalChargedPartNum");
126      if (!_initialisedSpectra && !_initialisedJets) {
127        MSG_WARNING("CoM energy of events sqrt(s) = " << sqrtS()/GeV
128                    << " doesn't match any available analysis energy .");
129      }
131      book(_mult, 1, 1, 1);
132      book(_mean_totaljetbroadening, 53, 1, 1);
133      book(_mean_widejetbroadening,  53, 1, 2);
134      book(_mean_C,                  53, 1, 3);
135      book(_mean_rho,                53, 1, 4);
136      book(_mean_thrust,             53, 1, 5);
137      for (const string& en : _mult.binning().edges<0>()) {
138        double end = std::stod(en)*GeV;
139        if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(end)) {
140          _ecms = en;
141          break;
142        }
143      }
144    }
147    void analyze(const Event& e) {
149      const Thrust& thrust = apply<Thrust>(e, "Thrust");
150      _mean_thrust->fill(_ecms,1.- thrust.thrust());
151      const Sphericity& sphericity = apply<Sphericity>(e, "Sphericity");
152      const Hemispheres& hemi = apply<Hemispheres>(e, "Hemispheres");
153      _mean_totaljetbroadening->fill(_ecms,hemi.Bsum());
154      _mean_widejetbroadening->fill(_ecms,hemi.Bmax());
155      _mean_rho->fill(_ecms,hemi.scaledM2high());
156      const ParisiTensor& parisi = apply<ParisiTensor>(e, "Parisi");
157      _mean_C->fill(_ecms,parisi.C());
159      if(_initialisedJets) {
160        bool LEP1 = isCompatibleWithSqrtS(91.2*GeV,0.01);
161        // event shapes
162        double thr = LEP1 ? thrust.thrust() : 1.0 - thrust.thrust();
163        _h_thrust->fill(thr);
164        _h_thrustmajor->fill(thrust.thrustMajor());
165        if(LEP1)
166          _h_thrustminor->fill(log(thrust.thrustMinor()));
167        else
168          _h_thrustminor->fill(thrust.thrustMinor());
169        _h_oblateness->fill(thrust.oblateness());
171        _h_heavyjetmass->fill(hemi.scaledM2high());
172        _h_jetmassdifference->fill(hemi.scaledM2diff());
173        _h_totaljetbroadening->fill(hemi.Bsum());
174        _h_widejetbroadening->fill(hemi.Bmax());
175        _h_cparameter->fill(parisi.C());
177        _h_aplanarity->fill(sphericity.aplanarity());
178        if(_h_planarity)
179          _h_planarity->fill(sphericity.planarity());
180        _h_sphericity->fill(sphericity.sphericity());
182        // Jet rates
183        const FastJets& durjet = apply<FastJets>(e, "DurhamJets");
184        double log10e = log10(exp(1.));
185        if (durjet.clusterSeq()) {
186          double logynm1=0.;
187          double logyn;
188          for (size_t i=0; i<5; ++i) {
189            const double yn = durjet.clusterSeq()->exclusive_ymerge_max(i+1);
190            if (yn<=0.0) continue;
191            logyn = -log(yn);
192            if (_h_y_Durham[i]) {
193              _h_y_Durham[i]->fill(logyn);
194            }
195            if(!LEP1) logyn *= log10e;
196            for (const auto& b : _h_R_Durham[i]->bins()) {
197              const double xMin = b.xMin();
198              if (-xMin <= logynm1)  break;
199              if (-xMin<logyn)  _h_R_Durham[i]->fill(b.xMid(), b.xWidth());
200            }
201            logynm1 = logyn;
202          }
203          for (const auto& b : _h_R_Durham[5]->bins()) {
204            if (-b.xMin() <= logynm1)  break;
205            _h_R_Durham[5]->fill(b.xMid(), b.xWidth());
206          }
207        }
208        if( !_initialisedSpectra) {
209          const ChargedFinalState& cfs = apply<ChargedFinalState>(e, "CFS");
210          const size_t numParticles = cfs.particles().size();
211          _weightedTotalChargedPartNum->fill(numParticles);
212        }
213      }
215      // charged particle distributions
216      if(_initialisedSpectra) {
217        const ChargedFinalState& cfs = apply<ChargedFinalState>(e, "CFS");
218        const size_t numParticles = cfs.particles().size();
219        _weightedTotalChargedPartNum->fill(numParticles);
220        const ParticlePair& beams = apply<Beam>(e, "Beams").beams();
221        const double meanBeamMom = ( beams.first.p3().mod() +
222                                     beams.second.p3().mod() ) / 2.0;
223        for (const Particle& p : cfs.particles()) {
224          const double xp = p.p3().mod()/meanBeamMom;
225          _h_xp->fill(xp);
226          const double logxp = -std::log(xp);
227          _h_xi->fill(logxp);
228          const double xe = p.E()/meanBeamMom;
229          _h_xe->fill(xe);
230          const double pTinT  = dot(p.p3(), thrust.thrustMajorAxis());
231          const double pToutT = dot(p.p3(), thrust.thrustMinorAxis());
232          _h_pTin->fill(fabs(pTinT/GeV));
233          if(_h_pTout) _h_pTout->fill(fabs(pToutT/GeV));
234          const double momT = dot(thrust.thrustAxis()        ,p.p3());
235          const double rapidityT = 0.5 * std::log((p.E() + momT) /
236                                                  (p.E() - momT));
237          _h_rapidityT->fill(fabs(rapidityT));
238          const double momS = dot(sphericity.sphericityAxis(),p.p3());
239          const double rapidityS = 0.5 * std::log((p.E() + momS) /
240                                                  (p.E() - momS));
241          _h_rapidityS->fill(fabs(rapidityS));
242        }
243      }
244    }
246    void finalize() {
247      if(!_initialisedJets && !_initialisedSpectra) return;
249      if (_initialisedJets) {
250        normalize(_h_thrust);
251        normalize(_h_heavyjetmass);
252        normalize(_h_totaljetbroadening);
253        normalize(_h_widejetbroadening);
254        normalize(_h_cparameter);
255        normalize(_h_thrustmajor);
256        normalize(_h_thrustminor);
257        normalize(_h_jetmassdifference);
258        normalize(_h_aplanarity);
259        if(_h_planarity) normalize(_h_planarity);
260        normalize(_h_oblateness);
261        normalize(_h_sphericity);
263        for (size_t n=0; n<6; ++n) {
264          scale(_h_R_Durham[n], 1./sumOfWeights());
265        }
267        for (size_t n = 0; n < 5; ++n) {
268          if (_h_y_Durham[n]) {
269            scale(_h_y_Durham[n], 1.0/sumOfWeights());
270          }
271        }
272      }
274      const double avgNumParts = dbl(*_weightedTotalChargedPartNum) / sumOfWeights();
277      _mult->fill(_ecms,avgNumParts);
279      if (_initialisedSpectra) {
280        normalize(_h_xp, avgNumParts);
281        normalize(_h_xi, avgNumParts);
282        normalize(_h_xe, avgNumParts);
283        normalize(_h_pTin , avgNumParts);
284        if (_h_pTout) normalize(_h_pTout, avgNumParts);
285        normalize(_h_rapidityT, avgNumParts);
286        normalize(_h_rapidityS, avgNumParts);
287      }
288    }
291  private:
293    bool _initialisedJets = false;
294    bool _initialisedSpectra = false;
296    BinnedProfilePtr<string> _mult;
297    BinnedProfilePtr<string> _mean_totaljetbroadening,_mean_widejetbroadening,
298      _mean_C,_mean_rho,_mean_thrust;
299    string _ecms;
300    Histo1DPtr _h_xp;
301    Histo1DPtr _h_xi;
302    Histo1DPtr _h_xe;
303    Histo1DPtr _h_pTin;
304    Histo1DPtr _h_pTout;
305    Histo1DPtr _h_rapidityT;
306    Histo1DPtr _h_rapidityS;
307    Histo1DPtr _h_thrust;
308    Histo1DPtr _h_heavyjetmass;
309    Histo1DPtr _h_totaljetbroadening;
310    Histo1DPtr _h_widejetbroadening;
311    Histo1DPtr _h_cparameter;
312    Histo1DPtr _h_thrustmajor;
313    Histo1DPtr _h_thrustminor;
314    Histo1DPtr _h_jetmassdifference;
315    Histo1DPtr _h_aplanarity;
316    Histo1DPtr _h_planarity;
317    Histo1DPtr _h_oblateness;
318    Histo1DPtr _h_sphericity;
320    Histo1DPtr _h_R_Durham[6];
321    Histo1DPtr _h_y_Durham[5];
323    CounterPtr _weightedTotalChargedPartNum;
325  };
329  RIVET_DECLARE_ALIASED_PLUGIN(ALEPH_2004_I636645, ALEPH_2004_S5765862);